Crimson Rosella
An eye-catching bird, renowned for its deep crimson plumage and bright blue cheeks. This colourful parrot is not only a favourite among birdwatchers but also a popular subject in Australian art and folklore, symbolising the vibrant natural beauty of the region.
🦜 Call to attention — Their distinctive “bell-like” calls can be heard from a distance
🍃 Favourite snack — Feeds on seeds, fruits, nectar, and even insects.
🛡️ Survival trick — Use tree hollows to nest
🌦️ Weather resilience — They are found in a wide range of environments and are very adaptable
How you can help…
Protecting the old-growth forests where Crimson Rosellas live is crucial for their survival. These environments provide essential food and nesting sites.
Encouraging the planting of native trees and shrubs can help provide additional natural food sources and habitat for these birds.
Promoting and engaging in bird-friendly practices, such as keeping cats indoors and avoiding the use of pesticides, can help protect Crimson Rosellas and other native bird species.
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