Crimson Rosella

An eye-catching bird, renowned for its deep crimson plumage and bright blue cheeks. This colourful parrot is not only a favourite among birdwatchers but also a popular subject in Australian art and folklore, symbolising the vibrant natural beauty of the region.

🦜 Call to attention — Their distinctive “bell-like” calls can be heard from a distance

🍃 Favourite snack — Feeds on seeds, fruits, nectar, and even insects.

🛡️ Survival trick — Use tree hollows to nest

🌦️ Weather resilience — They are found in a wide range of environments and are very adaptable

How you can help…

  • Protecting the old-growth forests where Crimson Rosellas live is crucial for their survival. These environments provide essential food and nesting sites.

  • Encouraging the planting of native trees and shrubs can help provide additional natural food sources and habitat for these birds.

  • Promoting and engaging in bird-friendly practices, such as keeping cats indoors and avoiding the use of pesticides, can help protect Crimson Rosellas and other native bird species.

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