Letter-winged Kite

The Letter-winged Kite is a rare and enigmatic raptor, easily identifiable by its striking white wings marked with a black 'M' pattern that resembles the letter 'W' when in flight. This bird is primarily found in the arid inland regions of Australia, where it adapts to a largely nocturnal lifestyle, a rare trait among birds of prey.

🦅 Call to attention — Quiet and mostly silent, but may give soft whistles during flight.

🐭 Favorite snack — Feeds primarily on small mammals, especially mice.

🖤 Distinctive feature — Black “letter-shaped” markings under its wings, visible in flight.

🌾 Habitat preference — Found in arid grasslands and open plains across central Australia.

How you can help…

  • Due to their elusive nature and rare sightings, supporting research into their habits and population dynamics is crucial for effective conservation.

  • Ensuring the conservation of arid and semi-arid environments helps maintain the natural balance that supports prey species vital for the survival of these kites.

  • Minimising light pollution in rural and outback areas can help maintain the natural behaviours of nocturnal and crepuscular species like the Letter-winged Kite.

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