Orange-bellied Parrot

The Orange-bellied Parrot is a small and brightly colored bird, notable for the vibrant orange patch on its belly, which contrasts sharply with its green upperparts and blue wing feathers. This migratory parrot breeds in the southwest of Tasmania and then crosses the Bass Strait to spend the winter on the southern mainland of Australia. With only a few individuals remaining in the wild, it is one of the most endangered parrot species in the world.

🦜 Call to attention — Soft, rapid chattering calls, often made in flight.

🌱 Favorite snack — Feeds on seeds and coastal saltmarsh plants.

🧡 Distinctive feature — Bright orange belly that stands out against its green body.

🏞️ Habitat preference — Found in coastal wetlands and grasslands in Tasmania and southern Australia.

How you can help…

  • Contributing to or volunteering with programs dedicated to breeding, monitoring, and reintroducing Orange-bellied Parrots can make a significant difference.

  • Promoting and supporting the preservation of natural habitats on both Tasmania and the southern Australian mainland is crucial.

  • Educating others about the plight of the Orange-bellied Parrot can increase public support for conservation initiatives and funding.

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