The Silvereye, also known as the Wax-eye or White-eye, is a petite bird that sports a soft green back, a pale belly, and a conspicuous white ring around each eye. These birds are found across Australia and New Zealand, thriving in a wide range of habitats from dense forests to urban gardens.
🦜 Call to attention — Soft, warbling calls and high-pitched trills, especially in flocks.
🍇 Favorite snack — Feeds on fruit, nectar, and insects, often seen on berry bushes.
👁️ Distinctive feature — Small white ring around each eye, giving it a “silver-eyed” look.
🌳 Habitat preference — Found in forests, gardens, and orchards across Australia and nearby islands.
How you can help…
Planting native shrubs and trees that bear fruits and attract insects can provide food and shelter for Silvereyes, helping to support their populations.
Maintaining and increasing green spaces in urban areas can help provide habitat for migrating and resident Silvereyes.
Engaging in local bird counting initiatives can help track the health and movements of Silvereye populations, providing valuable data for conservation efforts.
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